Sandwich lunch
Did you eat a sandwich today? I didn't but then it's a Sunday so not a regular working day but most days in the week, I do. According to a recent article in the Guardian, as a nation we buy 4 billion sandwiches a year and forecast from the British Sandwich Association, is that number grows at a steady 2% – or 80 million sandwiches – each year - wow! What continues to challenge the industry though is that we still make so many sandwiches at home – an estimated 5bn a year. Now that's more my sandwich habit - as friends and colleagues will laughingly testify. But why spend at least £2 when you can slap something together at home for a few pence? Ok - it might not look so good but surely as tasty and less packaging for the world to deal with. Having said that, there's something of the satisfying treat about buying a sandwich, especially if you're having a rubbish day. And then only a sandwich will do - a plastic container of salad just doesn't hit the spot. But look out for the growing trend of 'flexitarianism' which is all about giving up meat for a day or two a week, or going vegan for a while. More vegetarian sandwich options are coming up fast and M&S is due to launch a range of vegan sandwiches on red, green and yellow vegetable-based breads any time now. Ye gods - what would the grumpy old Earl of Sandwich made of that?