Don't kick the can down the road!
I made supper for friends at the weekend including a delicious chicken casserole recipe which needed a couple of tins of butter beans. I’m a firm fan of tinned tuna, tinned tomatoes and Heinz tinned beans but it’s ages since I cooked with butter beans. Cracking open the tins and slopping the beans into bubbling stock was an easy – and low cost - pleasure. As an extra benefit, I’ve just been reading how environmentally friendly tins are. Steel cans are one of the easiest materials to sort and separate at re-cycling centres because it’s done with low-cost magnets. Plus steel is infinitely recyclable with no loss of quality so tins can easily become tins again. Also you don’t need to keep tins in the fridge so storage is cheap and easy on C02 emissions.
Having extolled the benefits of canned food, I don’t want you to think that I’ve joined the barmy army of no-deal Brexit stockpilers. My cupboards are not full of canned food, nor is my garden shed. I might treat myself to another couple of tins of butter beans though!