


Leave meeting

Were you one of the record-breaking 8 million viewers of The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast on Christmas Day? I was and I don’t know if she writes the script herself but this year, in my opinion, she nailed it. Her reminder of the parable of The Good Samaritan and how so many people from all walks of life and across all religions and none, have been acting as Good Samaritans over the past few months, was especially vivid. And the description of those distanced from those they love over this Festive period when “All they want is a simple hug or squeeze of the hand” zapped straight to my heart. By choice, I live on my own – it suits me well and I’m rarely lonely. But this year of Covid, how I miss the physical closeness and actual human contact with friends and family. I’m blessed by my ‘bubble’ of a couple of dear friends who live locally and our bond grows stronger as the lockdown months pass. Also I well know the proof of a good friend when you both sit on a wet park bench with a flask of tea or maybe a takeaway coffee, and chat loudly across the 2m social devide.  But nothing hurts harder than a Zoom call with friends, usually not living alone, when you have to press that ‘Leave meeting’ button and suddenly the joyous social spell is broken and you face the silent emptiness of a blank screen. Yes, I know I have so much to be thankful for but it takes a considerable effort to remember it at just that second in time.   

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