


Positive nostalgia

I’m a heavy listener to BBC Radio 4 – a radio in every room – and consequently tune into many fascinating discussions including with Tom Sutcliffe on Monday mornings. A most recent episode of ‘Start the Week’ was about memory and nostalgia.  Did you know that nostalgia was originally considered to be a disease? As recently as the 1920s, nostalgia was recognised as a certifiable cause of death. You could literally die of sadness and longing for your place of birth, your home town, your family and those you love, having been parted and distant from them. It’s only in more recent years that nostalgia has become a therapeutic intervention, for those suffering from memory loss and dementia. Nostalgic narratives of times past have a very positive affect not only on people living with dementia but also with cognitively healthy adults, generating self-esteem and connectedness to family, friends and companions. I find that I’m often remembering times past but try not to ‘wallow’ but rather look forward to all that can be in a full life.   

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